Peaceful Wellbeing

Would you like to flow through life?

Anick Beaumont

Peaceful Transformation

In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the stress and chaos of everyday life.

Did you know that stress is the root cause of 90% of diseases? 

Knowing this, it’s easy to understand how critical it is to reduce stress.

But how does one go about reducing stress in their lives?

At Dancing Moon, we believe that peacefulness doesn’t mean lying in a hammock all day (although we can definitely see the appeal!). Rather, it means to actually flow through life, no matter what it throws at us.

To achieve this state of peaceful flow, one must

    • have the right mindset
    • be able to calm the mind, body and nervous system
    • Learn how to create, implement and maintain new habits &  behaviours

There is no denying that challenges are a part of life, but with the right skills and support, you can learn to face them in a peaceful and calm way, creating ease and flow in your life.

Are you ready to start your journey towards peaceful transformation?

Join us today and discover the power of Peaceful Wellbeing!

Open the Door to Better Living

Qi Flow Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life

Qi Flow: Ancient Wisdom for Modern Life

  • When: Wednesdays 9:30am
  • From 2nd of October 2024 to the 6th of Novemberr 2024
  • Where: Active Discovery Project (65 Bold St Laurieton)
🌿 Ready to embark on a transformational journey and create a balanced life filled with wellness and tranquillity?
🪷 Join Anick for a 6 week Qi Flow program, where ancient wisdom meets modern practices.
☯️ Let’s cultivate inner harmony, revitalise our spirits, and embrace a healthier, more balanced way of living together,
✅ Limited spaces available, so reserve your spot today!

🦋 In a world that is always go, go, go we need to find space just to be. Unplugging from this Matrix is essential in maintaining optimal health and a balanced and happy life. Qi Flow offers an holistic approach to repair and rejuvenation by using the bodies natural flow.

Midset Reset

Mindset Reset


As a skilled mindset coach,  using the most effective tools & techniques to create long-term transformation, Anick will help you navigate challenges, overcome limiting beliefs, and develop a mindset that empowers you to create the life you desire.

Harness the power within you (3)



Tai Chi is one of the most effective exercises for health of mind and body. 

Although an art with great depth of knowledge and skill, it can be easy to learn and soon delivers its many health benefits.



Also known as Awakening the healer within orBu Zheng Qigong.  This very gentle program focusses on harnessing the self healing capacity of the human body and releasing physical, mental and emotional tension.

What my participants say


I engaged Anick for coaching at a time when I was feeling stuck in my business and not taking the action I wanted to take to achieve my goals and outcomes.
I loved the structure and processes that Anick took me through in her eight week break through coaching program. Meeting weekly was fantastic as it kept me on track and the step-by-step processes guided and supported my progress and helped me to break through my blocks and barriers. I cleared some blocks that had been resistant to many other tools and techniques.
Anick was an awesome coach in all ways. I found her deeply caring and committed, and also great at both encouraging me and challenging me when I went off track from my action steps.
I found the eight week coaching so beneficial that when I completed the first eight weeks, I did a second eight week program with Anick to to work on a different goal and this was even more amazing. It cleared my blocks and got me moving on my business development finding more clients and launching my India retreat. Thank you Anick. 
I highly recommend Anick  for coaching.


Anick is a wonderful teacher of Tai Chi. She explains the movements in a simple and good humoured way, and is passionate and understanding.  Great class!


Anick’s tai chi classes have made a huge difference to my day. I am more relaxed and able to cope with the days challenges.

Sue D.

As a new-comer to Tai Chi, I have found Anick to be a great teacher and mentor. She is very patient and has a great sense of humour. I always enjoy her classes


Anick has helped me see my true values and what is important to me. I have the ability with my mindset to create what is important to me, and I realised where my passion lies. I was able to breakthrough limiting beliefs, energetic blocks and trapped emotions. I am able to move forward in achieving my goals and able to change my habits that do not serve me.


This is a very kind, friendly and soft way to learn Tai Chi what ever your age. Anick is very patient and perceptive with her students, sharing their progresses and successes.  Anick is excellent to teach how to make   movements simple. With her, it is Dancing on the moon and forget our stressed Earth.  There is always a touch of laughter during each sessions. Best way to forget all the hassles of this crazy world.  Thank you!


Anick is an amazing coach. She is accepting and validating and creates a safe space to look at yourself. I have been able to create extraordinary outcomes from working with her.

Sue A.

Anick has introduced me to Tai Chi over the last year and I have found her classes so calming and helpful.  She is very patient while we take so long to learn all the steps


Anick is a brilliant gifted teacher who makes you feel comfortable, safe and most of all lots of laughter in her class. She is great at breaking down each step with patience & kindness.  I went away learning Tai Chi movements I can do for myself at home and bring the exercise, flow & mind connection of Tai Chi into my everyday life


Anick is a very caring instructor who takes the time to explain the moves to the beginners whilst reinforcing each move with the more advanced students.  On top of all this seriousness there is a layer of fun and happiness. Everyone in the classes has gained a lot at different levels.


Anick is a personable and fun coach who asked me the questions I needed to move forward in my life, she gave me the space and I felt free to be myself and not be judged. I 100% recommend Anick to help you move forward in your life.


Anick is an excellent teacher who is totally professional whilst making each lesson enjoyable, motivating and fun.  She never makes you feel uncomfortable if you are having difficulty with a particular exercise. She takes you through the movement step by step so you are able to follow and complete the movements correctly.  I am sure we all enjoy our lesson and look forward to it each week

Anick’s tai chi classes have made a huge difference to my day. I am more relaxed and able to cope with the days challenges.
Anick is very patient and perceptive with her students, sharing their progresses and successes. Best way to forget all the hassles of this crazy world. Thank you .
Anick is very knowledgable & the class is very relaxing and fun. Highly recommend
Anick is a brilliant gifted teacher who makes you feel comfortable, safe and most of all lots of laughter in her class. She is great at breaking down each step with patience & kindness

Meet Anick

Anick Beaumont

Originally from Canada, Anick had found a home and raised a family in Australia. She loves to learn from life’s experiences and has studied the works of Joe Dispenza, Abraham-Hicks, Eckhart Tolle, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Greg Braden, Gary R. Renard, Louise Hay, and many others. The similarities and contrasts in the teachings fascinate and delight her and her thirst for knowledge continues to grow.

Her passion is martial arts: movement, grace, strength, focus and tenacity; mental and physical discipline; empowerment and self healing. It has helped her overcome adversities in her life and it continues to offer learning, growth and fun. She particularly loves the sense of connection, support and joy she derives from the martial arts community.

Helping others navigate through their life journey is another of Anick’s passion and id why she became a coach & mentor

As a natural teacher, she enjoys sharing her wisdom, knowledge and skills. As well as being a black belt in karate, Anick is a certified Tai Chi & Qigong Instructor. Anick has trained with the Australian Tai Chi Institute and the Tai Chi for Health Institute. Anick is also a Certified International Results Coach as well as a certified Practitioner in EFT, TFT, Tapping, meditation and Ho’oponopono.

Anick has trained with the Australian Tai Chi Institute, the Tai Chi for Health Institute, Nicole Lee of Nicole Lee Qigong and Roger Jahnke, founder of The Institute of Integral Qigong and Tai Chi.  She has also studied with Benjamin J Harvey and Cham Tang, co-founders of Authentic Education as well as with Joe Vitale (Global Sciences Foundation),  Graham Nicholls (Strategic Coaching & Training), Shakti Durga (Shanti Mission), Dr. Joe Dispenza and more.

As someone  who loves to have fun and laugh, Anick’s classes always include a playful element.  She finds that everyone learns much more in a friendly and relaxed atmosphere.

Anick was also a co-founder of The Peace Shack which has been a long-cherished dream: for people to have a place to go where they can learn, grow, be supported, enjoy themselves, be respected and valued, and most importantly, know they are not alone. Although The Peace Shack has run it’s course as a centre, being part of that project reinforced her wanting to help others through Coaching, Tai Chi, Qigong and everything else she has learned on her journey

Anick Beaumont

Certified Result Coach 

Tai Chi instructor

Qigong instructor

Black Belt in Goshin Ryu Karate

EFT & TFT Tapping Practitioner

Meditation Practitioner

Ho’onopono Practitioner

Some of my accreditations

Contact me

Get in touch!

Anick Beaumont


Follow me on Facebook and Instagram